Thursday, August 25, 2011

Improve Quality of Life - Do things you enjoy.

It's about making better use of time and reducing stress.  How often do you look at your watch, ask someone for the time, or loose track of time and become stressed.  Think of ways to get the most out of your day and simplify your life.  Don't get caught up in the "I must have everything" mentality.  You don't need the latest iPhone, ultra fast internet service, or bluetooth handsfree device.  Start a small garden instead.  Tending it will force you to be outside, away from all those "devices."  Harvesting veggies will give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.  Donate them to a local food bank.  Learn how to make things yourself.  Have a garage sale, get rid of clutter.  Again, what is not sold, donate.  Take vacations closer to home.  Don't use a credit card for everything.  Cut out things that have little or no value to you and focus on things you enjoy doing.  Changes like this will eliminate things that added to your level of stress and replace them with things you want to do.  You will sleep better.      

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