Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First HIke of the 100 MIle Challenge!

Rock Creek Trail is used heavily.  Wide at first, it continues up a mild grade and meets the Gore Range Trail.  We took the Gore Range Trail for about 3 miles. There, the trail dissipated at an abandon mine site.  Views to the West of the Gore Range,  put me in a trance.  Far below us, a stream was running with reckless abandon, full of high country run-off.  Large snow-fields remain on the higher slopes.  As a result of Spring/Summer rains, the mountain sides are loaded with brightly colored wildflowers.  As we increased in elevation, trail became full of loose rocks.  Footing was not the best in some sections.  About 65% of train had good to total canopy.  Temps remained in the low 70's all day.  Obviously, lots of photos today.  Next post describes landscapes we saw.     

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