Monday, August 15, 2011

Diagnosed, October 2004

To be certain, I had three opinions.  Then, a period of learning to accept it.  Getting educated about the disease became a priority.  When I read the words, "PD is caused by the death of midbrain dopamine neurons from oxidative stress, abnormal protein aggregation, and genetic predisposition," it became a call to duty.  Over the next three years, my medical file had passed through a handful of Neurologists.  Then, in 2009, I read of a PD Symposium given by Dr. Rajeev Kumar, of the Colorado Neurological Institute.  Since that session, my outlook has been positive.  The University of Colorado has since discovered a drug that can stop the progression of PD in mice.  The drug is being tested in people.  So the fight to push back the progression of Parkinson's goes on.  Remember, It's all about the Journey!          

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