Tuesday, May 1, 2012

10 Ways to Improve Ones Quality of Life

Last August 14th, the first of ten elements was posted on this blog.  To date we have covered nine, including this one.  It is no less important than the rest.  What is it?

Simplify your life...Don't Stress Out:

That statement is easy to say.  It can be quite difficult to put into practice.  I tell my wife all the time, don't get upset when the pork roast in the crock pot didn't turn out exactly how she planned.  It tasted great.  If she had not told me she missed adding an ingredient before turning the unit on, I would not have known it.

I understand it is all about a persons expectations.  My wife knew exactly what to add to the roast and exactly how much of the ingredient to add. but she forgot.  It was a big deal to her because she sets high standards for herself, with everything she does.

One thing we both have learned is to keep clutter to a minimum in the house, in the garage, and in the trunk of the car.  Today was spring turnover day.  That means, we both gathered our winter clothing, long sleeved shirts, sweaters, and flannel PJ's.  They were either placed in large containers and stored, or hung in the back of a closet and covered with a clothing bag to protect them.

Next, we went through all the summer clothes and made a decision on each one.  Keep it or bag it for charity?

We have always lived within our means.  That is difficult for many to do.  A plastic card makes it too easy to purchase an item, without thinking if you really need it.  We have never missed a mortgage payment, or a car payment.  I say that with a certain degree of pride.  To many with a large debt, it must be realized that with debt goes stress.

People must prioritize things in life.  We don't often hear about people who cut things out of their schedule that were not a priority.  We have all said "Yes" to things that we knew at the time, we should have said "No."  Like anything, there is discipline involved.  Like allowing family debt to soar out of control, we need to stick with the top priority items in life to be happy.

It's all part of that "Journey" I talk about often.  The journey of life, that is.

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