Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Month, new opportunities:

The intent of this blog is to be a source of information and to give readers the opportunity to become engaged in a forum they feel comfortable with.  New columns/topics will be designed to build on a strong foundation (Healthy Lifestyle/ Quality of Life/Raise $ for PAR) established July 18th, when this blog went on line.   

The spotlight this month will be on four new columns.

·        Hiking Quotes:  This column may have one post/day, or many depending of how readers respond.
·        Tip of the Week:  Will be generated by “The Hiker” and will be posted each Sunday.  Tips from readers may be submitted via email to
·        It’s Time to go Hiking…:  Is the beginning of a common phrase to those who enjoy the sport.  It could become the most bizarre column again depending on the mindset of our readers.
·        Inspiring Profiles: A column written by “The Hiker” although readers can submit an interview.  This column is designed to introduce readers to common people who have achieved uncommon results, and in the process, inspired many.

QUOTES: Do you have a quote heard on trail, one of your own, or one you remember your Grandfather saying?  If so, post it on this blog.  Don't forget to give readers some background for the quote. 

TIPS:  Have a tip that always works for you.  It may work for our readers.  Post it here on this blog.

IT'S TIME:  Ask yourself, “When is it time to go hiking?”  Think about it, then post the text to the rest of the statement here on this blog. Always start your statement with, "It's time to go hiking when..."

PROFILE:  You know someone who you have admired.  He/she may be a fellow-hiker.  The person may be a friend, neighbor, or relative.  The fact is this person has made a difference in your life and the lives of others.  "Inspiring Profiles" is intended to introduce these exceptional individuals to our readers.  If you know a person who has a story, encourage them to tell it.  If you are not one to take pen to paper or click away at the keyboard toiling over text obtained from an interview, email "The Hiker" at   

Look for these topics on "The Hiker" blog.  Plus you will be informed about upcoming hikes, special events, articles on improving your Quality of Life, how to live a more Healthy Lifestyle, and campaigns and activities designed to raise funds for PAR.

Because you know, its all about the journey.

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