Monday, September 26, 2011

Aspen color reaching peak!

This is it...not many opportunities remain.  Miss it this or next weekend at the latest, and you will have missed one of the best natural displays of color around.  Call it the "Fluttering Leaf Show," it truly is one of a kind.  Hiking at Kenosha Pass tomorrow, may be the most colorful hike this year.  Call it the golden gauntlet, the tunnel of gold, or simply Nature at it's best, the Colorado Trail at Kenosha Pass is the place to be.

Members of the ACAA hiking group who have registered for the hike tomorrow will experience an inspiring display of fall color.  If you miss this scheduled hike, don't wait for the weekend, although it will be jammed with people and vehicles every day for a week or more.  Oh...take your camera!

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