Friday, May 2, 2014

A Few Extra Miles

The question of the day...'What are we gonna do.'  "Let's go to that trail you did recently down Parker Road," she said.  In minutes, two bottles of water and two PB&J sandwiches were thrown in the packs and we were off.
Entrance to the parking lot at LMOS.

The wind remained a factor but nothing like earlier in the week when we literally got blown sideways on trail.  Today, the sun raised the temperature to more moderate levels.

Again, not a vehicle in the parking lot when we arrived.  Throughout the day, only one other vehicle would arrive with a solo hiker.
JoAnn, on her way up slope.

It seems the wind had backed off to the point where it no longer kicked up dust and debris, carrying it across the area.  Arriving at the top of Lincoln Mountain, the view of Pikes Peak was outstanding.

We had made good time so far and I was in no hurry.  JoAnn, on the other hand was treating this as a routine day walk around the neighborhood.  Her pace was one I could only keep up with at the beginning.  She was reaching top of the mountain while I was still approaching the final switchback.
A cairn with Pikes Peak in the background.

The Rim Loop trail was completed in record time so we decided to return to a rock formation at the bottom of the mountain for lunch.  As we were enjoying the view from the rocks, a prairie hawk glided nearby.

 I watched, as it seemed to float almost motionless in the sky for maybe 30 seconds, then...I explained to JoAnn the hawk might do a split second, it tucked its wings close to it's body and dropped out of the sky directly onto it's prey.  We couldn't see what it was but the hawks wings were flapping wildly as it wrestled with it's prey until it went limp.  Then, with a fully-expanded wingspan, the hawk flew off with it's kill firmly in it's beak.  It would be a nice meal to end the day or if it decided to share with a mate or some siblings, the bird may have saved a few tender morsels for itself. 

This day hike with my wife was an added treat to the week.  It provided us the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors together, while reaching our 10 mile/week exercise goal.

Total Miles Completed = 4.2

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